Morgan MacArthur (4)

Using PHP to Retrieve Information from the Walmart.IO API

Your first step is to go to and sign up for API access. Once you've done that, you will need to create public and private RSA keys in order to get a Consumer ID from Walmart. When creating the keys, I recommend just using…

How to Embed Google Fonts Inline in Your CSS

If you want to avoid a flash of unstyled content (FOUC), the simplest way is to have your CSS arrive in the same file as your layout. Along with your CSS, you can also embed a complete custom font directly in your CSS. It will…

Getting SSL on GoDaddy Managed Wordpress Without Buying Their Certificate

I don't really care for GoDaddy hosting. It's nice that it's integrated with the domain registration in one place, and it is easy to set up. But you really have no control over a lot of things you'd normally expect to have control over. Case…

The Best SEO Article Was Written 20 Years Ago: Search Engine Optimization FREE!

A lot of this can be tossed aside as the companies no longer exist, but the overall strategy of do-what-you-can-then-just-improve-your-site, still holds today. I would like to be able to rewrite this for modern practices, someday when I have the time. For now, I have…